Wordpress 5.9 release date
Wordpress 5.9 release date

wordpress 5.9 release date

Tweak: ALB Image move link toggle to top in advanced tab Tweak: split copyright toggle into content toggle and styling toggle for consistency Performance: added theme option "Performance -> Show Advanced -> Custom Font Loading Source" - supress loading of custom uploaded fonts from default location Performance: add passive listeners to jQuery touch and mouse wheel events Performance: added compressed version of png to enfold/images/background-images/. Security vulnerabilities: add user capability check to ajax callbacksįeature: image copyright to more elements Security/Performance: Improve backend for portfolio settings (register-portfolio.php) Updated: sync all language files (5.4.1-dev-2)Īdded: filter 'avf_wpml_default_exclude_taxonomies': allows to add/modify WPML specific taxonomies to excludeĪdded: filter 'avf_select_product_taxonomies' - filter the product tags to select taxonomies from Updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.4.1, provided by BigBatT - French language files fr_FR (version 5.4 provided by comkapi - Patrick) WPML comp.: added logic to hide WPML specific taxonomies from post categories (e.g.

wordpress 5.9 release date

medical demo)įixed: ALB Fullwidth Easy Slider's stretched video prevents video controls to be clickedįixed: Undefined array key "bar_styling_secondary" in progressbar.php when importing demo

#Wordpress 5.9 release date plus#

config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:1175įixed: Event Tickets Plus - modal popup not showing with Attendee Registrationįixed: js notice "Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported"įixed: demos import for extra iconfonts broken (e.g. )Īdded: filter 'avf_lottie_placeholder_url' - change link to custom placeholder animationĪdded: filter 'avf_lottie_alb_backend_player' - change HTML of backend canvas playerĪdded: filter 'avf_post_nav_swipe_support' - change theme optionĪdded: filter 'avf_header_shrink_factor' - change shrink factor on page basisĪdded: filter 'avf_enable_enqueue_dotlottie_script' - allows to force loading of basic dotlottie player js by 3rd party elementsįeature: add option to filter ALB product elements for product tagsĪdded: Note that appending a Search Icon to menu is only available when Top Header layout is selectedįixed: CSS masonry with 1px gap - selector too weakįixed: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "extra" on null in. Updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.5, provided by NUIT d.o.o. Updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (5.5, provided by Földesi Stúdió - Földesi Mihály ) Updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.5 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) Relevansi comp.: added support to use avia_product_slider and avia_masonry on search page įixed: burger menu does not close when click on current page (subitems visible) Tweak: added a few more theme option colors to css variablesįixed: ALB fullwidth easy slider youtube controls blocked by overlay (CSS fix)įixed: ALB modal popup only shows first image after opening in gallery. json)įeature: new ALB Element Before-After Image (image difference)įeature: added swipe feature to single post pages (including portfolio, products)įeature: ALB Gallery options for navigation arrows to scroll through images without lightbox (include support for swipe feature)įeature: Theme option to set a custom shrink factor for shrinking headerįeature: ALB Animated Countdown new styling options (flip numbers, retro clock)įeature: ALB Events Countdown new styling options (flip numbers, retro clock) Feature: new ALB Element Lottie Animations (supports.

Wordpress 5.9 release date